Announcement of the establishment of the chamber of commerce and industry

30. January 2021, SWACCI

On behalf of the Slovak-West African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SWACCI), I would like to inform you about its establishment and the beginning of the implementation of the first steps to fulfill our goals. SWACCI was founded in Bratislava, in the Slovak Republic in accordance with the law on Civic Associations.

The long term goals of the Slovak-West African Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to become a key player in our business environment, to help create favorable conditions for investment and economic activity, and to become a major partner of Slovak, African or European institutions and public administrations.
Our priorities for the coming period include :
active support to develop business relationships between Western African countries and the Slovak Republic,
identification of key opportunities for expanding activities,
experience sharing,
and representation of the interests of our members.
In a near future, we will offer a wide range of services to our members, which will focus mainly on :
supporting in finding business partners and identifying new business opportunities in West Africa and Slovakia,
providing various market and economic information and analysis,
giving advice for companies in tax and economic matters,
delivering support through the visa delivery process,
preparing and organizing various humanitarian projects,
setting up joint events, seminars, business forums and fairs, education in schools,
organizing activities for the development of health, sports and culture and many other activities.

SWACCI is an independent organization, financed by membership fees and fees collected for its services.

Finally, let me thank you for your interest in the Chamber of Commerce and its membership. I look forward to our collaboration in contributing to the development of relationships between Slovakia and the countries of western Africa. I also would like to thank you for your membership fees, thanks to which we will be able to implement projects that can improve the lives of many people.


Milan Majtán
President of SWACCI